Kamala Harris connection with Jawaharlal Nehru is she better than Donald Trump for India

Kamala Harris connection with Jawaharlal Nehru is she better than Donald Trump for India

Kamala Harris: Now it is certain that Joe Biden will not be the President of America. Now Republican Party candidate Donald Trump will be challenged by US Vice President Kamala Harris, whom Joe Biden has also supported and Kamala Harris has an old relationship with India, this is also known to everyone now. But being of Indian origin, will Kamala Harris do something special for India even after becoming the President of America? Or is Donald Trump more beneficial than Kamala Harris? After all, who is better for India among Trump and Kamala Harris and what is the connection of Kamala Harris with the country’s first Prime Minister Pandit Nehru, let us understand this in detail today.

First of all, let us tell you about Kamala Harris’s Nehru connection and then we will know who is better for India between Trump and Harris. Jawaharlal Nehru was the Prime Minister of the country from 15 August 1947 to 27 May 1964. The Prime Minister had the right to appoint and transfer joint secretaries in the country. Pandit Nehru appointed a joint secretary in 1960. His name was PV Gopalan. Full name Pangandu Venkataraman Gopalan. The name of the eldest daughter of this PV Gopalan was Shyamala.

When PV Gopalan was in Delhi, he got his daughter admitted to Lady Irwin College for BSc in Home Science. Shyamala also completed her BSc. During this time, Shyamala applied for Masters in Nutrition and Endocrinology at the University of California, Berkeley. She was also selected. She also got a scholarship. After this, PV Gopalan collected all his savings and sent Shyamala to America.

Kamala Harris’s connection with India

During her studies, Shyamala met Donald J Harris of Jamaican origin. Later, both of them got married. Their daughter is Kamala Harris, who is now the new Vice President of America. However, Shyamala divorced Donald J Harris around 1970. Shyamala had come to Chennai to visit her father many times with both her daughters Kamala Harris and Maya Harris. Shyamala died on 11 February 2009 due to cancer. Kamala Harris came to Chennai with her ashes in the year 2009 and immersed it in the sea. When Kamala Harris became the Vice President of America, a hope was raised in the minds of the people of India due to this Chennai connection.

But were those expectations fulfilled? The answer to this cannot be yes or no. Because even though Kamala Harris is of Indian origin and she says this repeatedly, but her priority is only America, no other country. And the same is the case with Donald Trump. His priority is also America, no other country. Prime Minister with Trump Narendra Modi The personal relations between the two have been excellent. That is why when Prime Minister Modi goes to America and says this time Trump government and when Trump comes to India he also says this time Modi government.

Kamala or Trump, who is beneficial for Indians?

Kamala Harris says only this much for India that people of Indian origin in America have not got as much representation in politics as they should have got. So in such a situation, nothing will change for India’s international relations as a country with Trump becoming president again, nor with Kamala Harris. Yes, where the personal ambitions of the people of India are concerned, that is visa. In which Kamala Harris’s attitude is more flexible than Trump’s.

People from India who go to America for jobs need H1B visa and Trump has always been against such visas, whereas Kamala Harris wants that such visas should be given and that too without any capping. That is, America should provide as many visas as a country needs so that immigrants can stay in America. Whereas Trump is totally against this.

In this regard, Kamala Harris becoming the President of America is beneficial, because if there was no such visa, then at the time of Kamala Harris’s birth, there were only 12 thousand people of Indian origin in America, but now their number would not have crossed 30 lakhs. But even after Biden’s exit, Donald Trump seems to have the upper hand in American politics. And Trump has also started repeating that it is easier for him to defeat Kamala Harris than Biden.

Former British PM Rishi Sunak was also an Indian

Therefore, it would be too early to say that Kamala Harris will take some steps that will be in the interest of India just because of her Indian origin. Rishi Sunak has been an example of this in Britain, where even after becoming the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak did not do anything for India that can be recorded in history. Whether Kamala Harris does something like this or not is a matter of later, for now we will have to wait till November 5 and see whether Donald Trump makes a comeback in this US presidential election or Biden’s withdrawal will mobilize voters in Kamala Harris’s favor and make her the first woman president of America.

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